Hello Everyone 🙂
Originally from Newcastle, UK, I went on to study Earth Sciences and Astrobiology at the University of Bristol and now work as a Senior Data Consultant for a large Insurance firm in London.
Being a Northerner, I am slowly accustoming myself to London Life. The most important things I’ve learnt so far are
1. Never stand on the left hand side of the escalator
2. No-one knows what a Greggs is
3. £1.95 trebles are a thing of the past
Aside from that, life here is pretty great! There’s always things going on and by creating this blog, I like to think I’ll have a lot of exciting memories to look back on in a few years!
The inspiration behind the name ‘Ashley’s Footprints’ stems from my natural zest for life. My passion is travelling the world and being able to see and do as much as possible. I hope to look back on this blog in years to come and be reminded of all the incredible experiences I have had, as well as inspiring others to do the same. I hope to leave my footprints all over the globe!
This blog will focus on my travel adventures (both past and present), providing tips, anecdotes and info, as well as the events and experiences I get up to in London, for those looking for things to do in the Big Smoke.